"Entanglement-enhanced AC magnetometry in the presence of Markovian noises"
T. Sichanugrist, H. Fukuda, T. Moroi, K. Nakayama, S. Chigusa, N. Mizuochi, M. Hazumi, Y. Matsuzaki, submitted.
"Nuclear Spin Metrology with Nitrogen Vacancy Center in Diamond for Axion Dark Matter Detection"
S. Chigusa, M. Hazumi, E. D. Herbschleb, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Mizuochi, K. Nakayama, submitted.
"Control of impurity incorporation into CVD diamond synthesized with tert-butylphosphine for quantum applications"
R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, H. Kato, N. Tokuda, S. Yamasaki, M. Ogura, T. Makino, N. Morioka, and N. Mizuochi, Applied Physics Letters, 126, 074002 (2025)
"Light Dark Matter Search with Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in Diamonds"
S. Chigusa, M. Hazumi, E. D. Herbschleb, N. Mizuochi, K. Nakayama, Journal of High Energy Physics. Accepted.
“Emergence of giant spin-orbit torque in a two-dimensional hole gas on the hydrogen-terminated diamond surface”,
F. Sako, R. Ohshima, Y. Ando, N. Morioka, H. Kawashima, R. Kawase, N. Mizuochi, H. Huebl, and M. Shiraishi, Physical Review B, 110, L220407 (2024)
“Robust sensing via the standard deviation with a quantum sensor”,
E. D. Herbschleb, S. Chigusa, R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, M. Hazumi, K.Nakayama, N. Mizuochi, APL Quantum, 1, 046106 (2024)
"Small multimodal thermometry with detonation-created multi-color centers in detonation nanodiamond",
F. T.-K. So, N. Hariki, M. Nemoto, A. I. Shames, M. Liu, A. Tsurui, T. Yoshikawa, Y. Makino, M. Ohori,
M. Fujiwara, E. D. Herbschleb, N. Morioka, I. Ohki, M. Shirakawa, R. Igarashi, M. Nishikawa, and N. Mizuochi, APL Materials,12, 051102 (2024)
"Frequency-tunable magnetic field sensing using continuous-wave optically detected magnetic resonance with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond"
R. Okaniwa, T. Mikawa, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Yamaguchi, R. Suzuki, N. Tokuda, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, K. Sasaki, K. Kobayashi, J. Ishi-Hayase, Journal of Applied Physics, 135, 044401 (2024).
"Quantum light sources based on color centers in diamond and silicon carbide", N. Mizuochi, N. Morioka
Quantum Photonics, Chapter 7, Edited by Y. Arakawa, D. Bimberg, Elsevier
"Laser writing of preferentially orientated nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond"
K. Kinouchi, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Uemoto, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, Carbon Trends, 13, 100318 (2023).
"Germanium-vacancy center in detonation nanodiamond for all-optical nano-scale thermometry"
M. Fujiwara, H. Fu, N. Hariki, I. Ohki, Y. Makino, M. Liu, A. Tsurui, T. Yoshikawa, M. Nishikawa, N. Mizuochi, Applied Physics Letters, 123, 181903 (2023).
"Dopant-assisted stabilization of negatively charged single nitrogen-vacancy centers in phosphorus-doped diamond at low temperatures"
J. Geng, T. Shalomayeva, M. Gryzlova, A. Mukherjee, S. Santonocito, D. Dzhavadzade, D. Dasari, H. Kato, R. Stohr, A. Denisenko, N. Mizuochi, J. Wrachtrup, npj Quantum Information, 9, 110 (2023).
"Compact and portable quantum sensor module using diamond NV centers"
H. Deguchi, T. Hayashi, H. Saito, Y. Nishibayashi, M. Teramoto, M. Fujiwara, H. Morishita, N. Mizuochi, N. Tatsumi, Applied Physics Express, 16, 062004 (2023).
"Charge states of nitrogen-vacancy centers in Fermi level controlled diamond n-i-n junctions"
M. Shimizu, T. Makino, H. Kato, M. Fujiwara, M. Ogura, N. Mizuochi, M. Hatano, Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 214401 (2023).
"Spin-Dependent Dynamics of Photocarrier Generation in Electrically Detected Nitrogen-Vacancy-Based Quantum Sensing"
H. Morishita, N. Morioka, T. Nishikawa, H. Yao, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review Applied, 19, 034061 (2023).
"Creation of NV centers over a millimeter-sized region by intense single-shot ultrashort laser irradiation"
M. Fujiwara, S. Inoue, S. Masuno, H. Fu, S. Tokita, M. Hashida, N. Mizuochi, APL Photonics, 8, 036108 (2023).
Selected as
Featured Article
"Formation of NV centers in diamond by a femtosecond laser single pulse"
Y. Shimotsuma, K. Kinouchi, R. Yanoshita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M.Uemoto, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, Optics Express, 31, 1594-1603 (2023).
"Electroluminescence of negatively charged single NV centers in diamond",
M. Haruyama, H. Kato, M. Ogura, Y. Kato, D. Takeuchi, S. Yamasaki, T. Iwasaki, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, T. Makino, Applied Physics Letters, 122, 072101 (2023).
"Temperature sensing with RF-dressed states of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond",
H. Tabuchi, Y. Matsuzaki, N. Furuya, Y. Nakano, H. Watanabe, N. Tokuda, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-Hayase, Journal of Applied Physics, 133, 024401 (2023).
"Broadband microwave antenna for uniform manipulation of millimeter-scale volumes of diamond quantum sensors",
Y. Takemura, K. Hayashi, Y. Yoshii, M. Saito, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, T. Taniguchi, M. Fujiwara, H. Morishita, I. Ohki, N. Mizuochi, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 224501 (2022).
"Electrical detection of nuclear spins via silicon vacancies in silicon carbide at room temperature",
T. Nishikawa, N. Morioka, H. Abe, H. Morishita, T. Ohshima, N. Mizuochi, Applied Physics Letters, 121, 184005 (2022).
"n-Type diamond synthesized with tert-butylphosphine for long spin coherence times of perfectly aligned NV centers",
R. Kawase, H. Kawashima, H. Kato, N. Tokuda, S. Yamasaki, M. Ogura, T. Makino, N. Mizuochi, Journal of Applied Physics, 132, 174504 (2022).
"A simple and soft chemical deaggregation method producing single-digit detonation nanodiamonds",
D. Terada, F. T. K. So, B. Hattemdorf, T. Yanagi, E. Osawa, N. Mizuochi, M. Shirakawa,
R. Igarashi, T. F. Segawa, Nanoscale Advances, 2022, 4, 2268-2277.
"The Anomalous Formation of Irradiation Induced Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers
in 5-Nanometer-Sized Detonation Nanodiamonds",
F. T.-K. So, A. I. Shames, D. Terada, T. Genjo, H. Morishita, I. Ohki, T. Ohshima, S. Onoda, H. Takahsima, S. Takeuchi, N. Mizuochi, R. Igarashi, M. Shirakawa, T. F. Segawa, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2022, 126 (11), 5206-5217 (2022)
"Shallow NV centers augmented by exploiting n-type diamond",
A. Watanabe, T. Nishikawa, H. Kato, M. Fujie, M. Fujiwara, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, E. D. Herbschleb, N. Mizuochi, Carbon, 178, 294-300 (2021)
"Straightforward Synthesis of Silicon Vacancy (SiV) Center-containing Single-digit Nanometer Nanodiamonds via Detonation Process",
Y. Makino, T. Mahiko, M. Liu, A. Tsurui, T. Yoshikawa, S. Nagamachi, S. Tanaka, K. Hokamoto, M. Ashida, M. Fujiwara,
N. Mizuochi, M. Nishikawa, Diamond and Related Materials, 112, 108248 (2021)
[Volume 112 の表紙に選出. ]
[プレスリリース PDF:世界初、1 桁 nm サイズの SiV 蛍光ナノダイヤモンドを開発]
"Direct writing of high density nitrogen-vacancy centers inside diamond by femtosecond laser irradiation",
T. Kurita, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Fujiwara, M. Fujie, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, Applied Physics Letters, 118, 214001 (2021)
"Room temperature hyperpolarization of polycrystalline samples with optically polarized triplet electrons:
Pentacene or Nitrogen-Vacancy center in diamond?",
K. Miyanishi, T. F. Segawa, K. Takeda, I. Ohki, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, H. Abe, H. Takashima,
S. Takeuchi, A. I. Shames, K. Morita, Y. Wang, F. T.-K. So, D. Terada, R. Igarashi, A. Kagawa,
M. Kitagawa, N. Mizuochi, M. Shirakawa, M. Negoro, Magnetic Resonance,2, 33-48 (2021)
"Scanning diamond NV center magnetometry probe fabricated by laser cutting and focused ion beam milling",
Y. Kainuma, K. Hayashi, C. Tachioka, M. Ito, T. Makino, N. Mizuochi, T. An, Journal of Applied Physics,130, 243903 (2021)
"Control of spin coherence and quantum sensing in diamond",
N. Mizuochi, Hybrid Quantum Systems,
Chapter 1, Edited by Y. Hirayama, K. Ishibashi, K. Nemoto, Springer-Nature
"Electrical Control for Extending of Ramsey Spin Coherence Time of Ion-Implanted Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in diamond",
S. Kobayashi, Y. Matsuzaki, H. Morishita, S. Miwa, Y. Suzuki, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review Applied, 14, 044033 (2020)
"Experimental and theoretical analysis of noise strength and environmental correlation time for ensembles of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond",
K. Hayashi, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Ashida, S. Onoda, H. Abe, T. Ohshima, M. Hatano, T. Taniguchi, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 89, 054708 (2020)
"Control of all the transitions between ground state manifolds of nitrogen vacancy centers in diamonds by applying external magnetic driving fields",
T. Yamaguchi, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Saijo, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-Hayase Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 59, 110907 (2020)
"Long coherence times and high magnetic sensitivity with nitrogen-vacancy centres in phosphorus-doped diamond",
E. D. Herbschleb, H. Kato, Y. Maruyama, T. Danjo, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, I. Ohki, K. Hayashi, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, New Diamond, 36, 10 (2020).
"Ultra-long coherence times amongst room-temperature solid-state spins",
E. D. Herbschleb, H. Kato, Y. Maruyama, T. Danjo, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, I. Ohki, K. Hayashi, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi Nature Communications, 10, 3766 (2019)
[プレスリリース PDF]
"Extension of the Coherence Time by Generating MW Dressed States in a Single NV Centre in Diamond",
H. Morishita, T. Tashima, D. Mima, H. Kato, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, Scientific Reports, 9, 13318 (2019)
"Experimental demonstration of two-photon magnetic resonances in a single-spin-system of a solid",
T. Tashima, H. Morishita, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review A, 100, 023801 (2019)
"Bandwidth analysis of AC magnetic field sensing based on electronic spin double resonance of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond",
T. Yamaguchi, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Saito, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, J. Ishi-Hayase Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 58, 100901 (2019)
"Optimization of temperature sensitivity using the optically detected magnetic-resonance spectrum of a nitrogen-vacancy center ensemble",
K. Hayashi, Y. Matsuzaki, T. Taniguchi, T. Shimo-Oka, I. Nakamura, S. Onoda, T. Ohshima, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, S. Saito, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review Applied, 10, 034009 (2018)
"Engineering of Fermi level by nin diamond junction for control of charge states of NV centers",
T. Murai, T. Makino, H. Kato, M. Shimizu, D. E. Herbschleb, Y. Doi, H. Morishita, M. Fujiwara, M. Hatano, S. Yamasaki, N. Mizuochi, Applied Physics Letters, 112, 111903 (2018)
[News in AIP Publishing]
"AC Magnetic Field Sensing Using Continuous-Wave Optically Detected Magnetic Resonance of Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Diamond",
S. Saijo, Y. Matsuzaki, S. Saito, T. Yamaguchi, I. Hanano, H. Watanabe, N. Mizuochi, J.Ishi-Hayase, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 082405 (2018)
"Efficient generation of nitrogen-vacancy center inside diamond with shortening of laser pulse duration",
T. Kurita, N. Mineyuki, Y. Shimotsuma, M. Fujiwara, N. Mizuochi, M. Shimizu, K. Miura, Applied Physics Letters, 113, 211102 (2018)
"Charge state control of ensemble nitrogen vacancy center by n-i-n diamond junction",
M. Shimizu, T. Makino, T. Iwasaki, K. Tahara, H. Kato, N Mizuochi, S. Yamasaki, M. Hatano, Applied Physics Express, 11, 033004 (2018)
"Long-distance excitation of nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond via surface spin waves",
D. Kikuchi, D. Prananto, K. Hayashi, A. Laraoui, N. Mizuochi, M. Hatano, E. Saitoh, Y. Kim, C. A. Meriles, T. An, Applied Physics Express, 10, 103004 (2017)
"Electron paramagnetic resonance study of MgO thin-film grown on silicon",
K. Hayashi, Y. Matsumura, S. Kobayashi, H. Morishita, H. Koike, S. Miwa, N. Mizuochi, Y. Suzuki, Journal of Applied Physics, 121, 213901 (2017)
"Fast Phase-manipulation of the Single Nuclear Spin in Solids by Rotating Fields",
T. Shimo-Oka, Y. Tokura, Y. Suzuki, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review A, 95, 32316 (2017)
"Pure negatively charged state of NV center in n-type diamond"
Y. Doi, T. Fukui, H. Kato, T. Makino, S. Yamasaki, T. Tashima, H. Morishita, S. Miwa, F. Jelezko, Y. Suzuki, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review B, 93, 081203(R) (2016)
"Hybrid quantum magnetic field sensor with an electron spin and a nuclear spin in diamond",
Y. Matsuzaki, T. Shimo-Oka, H. Tanaka, Y. Tokura, K. Semba, N. Mizuochi, Physical Review A, 94, 52330 (2016)[arXiv]
"Manipulation of single nanodiamonds to ultrathin fiber-taper nanofibers and control of NV-spin states toward fiber-integrated λ-systems"
M. Fujiwara, K. Yoshida, T. Noda, H. Takashima, A. W. Schell, N. Mizuochi, S. Takeuchi, Nanotechnology, 27, 455202 (2016)
"Optically detected magnetic resonance of high-density ensemble of NV- centers in diamond",
Y. Matsuzaki, H. Morishita, T. Tashima, K. Kakuyanagi, K. Semba, W. J. Munro, H. Yamaguchi, N. Mizuochi, S. Saito, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 28, 275302 (2016)[arXiv]
"Ferromagnetic resonance induced electromotive forces in Ni81Fe19|p-type diamond",
N. Fukui, H. Morishita, S. Kobayashi, S. Miwa, N. Mizuochi, Y. Suzuki, Solid state commun, 243, 44 (2016)
"Electric field modulation of tunneling anisotropic magnetoresistance in tunnel junctions with antiferromagnetic electrodes",
M. Goto, K. Nawaoka, S. Miwa, S. Hatanaka, N. Mizuochi, Y. Suzuki, Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 55, 80304 (2016)